“Illustrated Inventory of Fruits and Vegetables” brings together a hundred delicious and nutritious morsels: edible plants that can be eaten raw or cooked. Fruits, stems, bulbs, roots, seeds, leaves, flowers... even products - such as teas, coffees, jams or chocolates - that are obtained from their raw materials. There is also no shortage of spices, mushrooms and algae. There are some as common as grapes or potatoes, as exotic as star fruit, or with names as suggestive as the golden needle.
This work, under the scientific supervision of the agricultural engineer doctor Paule Lacroix, allows us to distinguish between the botanical concept of the plant and the culinary term that arises from its preparation for human consumption.
And above all, it contributes to valuing biodiversity, sustainability and healthy eating. Grouped by color, the fruits and vegetables in this beautiful inventory show very varied representations: associated with the flower from which they come, in their natural environment or already harvested, whole or cut, even the presence of insects such as the indispensable bees, birds, Reptiles and small herbivores help contextualize this plant selection in their space.
■ Theme: catalog of vegetables with more than 100 species from all over the world.
■ Recommended age: from 6 years old.
■ Notable aspects: naturalistic illustrations with ink and watercolor lines; Each sheet presents illustrations, common and scientific name, description; chromatic grouping; other Illustrated inventories: “of animals”, “of animals with tails”, “of the seas”, “of birds”, “of flowers”, “of trees”, “of dinosaurs”, “of insects”; other books: “Extraordinary Animals” series (Faktoría K).
Pages: 80
Dimensions: 21.5 x 30 cm
ISBN: 978-84-16721-42-9
Language: Spanish
Available in: Galician, Catalan, Basque, Portuguese