Kalandraka Illustrated Flower Inventory


The pages of the "Illustrated Inventory of Flowers" are a festival of color - and suggested aromas - that, through 62 types of flowers, takes us on a journey around the world: from the regions of Southern Africa where the bird of paradise, to the Indonesian island of Sumatra where the ephemeral giant ring originates, passing through the nearby meadows where daisies grow. Wild and cultivated, and with an original classification by color to facilitate location, each sheet presents one or two species of flowers identified by their common and scientific name, height and flowering time, along with a brief description with aspects such as their origin, medicinal and even culinary applications, curiosities or alerts about its level of conservation. Before getting into the subject, Virginie Aladjidi presents in an introduction the parts of the flower, its reproductive process through pollination and growth modes.

Like all the titles in the collection, Emmanuelle Tchoukriel's illustrations stand out for their precision and realism, tracing the profiles with a marker and India ink, and completing them with watercolor, in the style of old field notebooks. Along with the flowers, there are also enlarged details of roots, petals or seeds, as well as small figures of other neighbors, such as insects, amphibians, birds or herbivores.

■ Theme: catalog with 62 types of flowers from around the world.

■ Recommended age: from 6 years old.

■ Highlights: naturalistic illustrations colored with watercolor; Each plate presents illustrations, common name, scientific name and description; color classification; from the authors of "Beauties of Nature" and other Illustrated Inventories: "of animals", "of birds", "of the seas", "of animals with tails", "of trees", "of insects", " of dinosaurs" and "of fruits and vegetables"; other books: “Extraordinary Animals” series KALANDRAKA).
